
Car Dealerships Benefit from Speed Humps

Car dealerships, selling both new and used vehicles, can be very busy at times with large volumes of traffic passing through and around the site. These vehicles are being driven by customers and visitors to site, dealership and service staff and various local delivery drivers.
Speed humps at Toyota car dealership

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Speed humps at Toyota car dealershipCar dealerships, selling both new and used vehicles, can be very busy at times with large volumes of traffic passing through and around the site. These vehicles are being driven by customers and visitors to site, dealership and service staff and various local delivery drivers.

Each group has their own agenda and reason for being on site:

1. A Customer is bringing their car in for service or repair or to trade it on a new or used vehicle.

2. The Sales Department is moving stock cars or conducting a test drive.

3. The Service Department is moving vehicles and driving to identify problems with the vehicles in for repair or service.

4. Delivery Drivers are dropping off vehicles and all nature of supplies to the Dealership.

The problem with all this traffic on site intermingled with customer and staff pedestrian traffic is that not everyone travels at the required safer, lower speeds to avoid accidents causing injuries to both people and property. Damage or injuries to either property or persons can be both expensive and very bad for business.

sci-fleet-toyota-car-dealership-speed-hump-installationAlthough speed warning signs can be erected around the property and standard safety operating procedures contain details of safe operating speed on site, not everyone adheres to these instructions or guidelines. So what else can be done to reduce the hazards of fast moving vehicles in such a busy workplace?

In many cases the installation of Speed Humps can alleviate many of these high risk situations.

Speed Humps can reduce these risks when installed in locations where pedestrians and vehicles come in close proximity to each other.

These High Risk, High Priority locations include:

  • Pedestrian crossings, used by both staff and customers.
  • Intersections, cross roads or driveway entrances and exits.
  • Driveway areas in close proximity to staff lunch areas or designated smoking areas.
  • Doorways onto busy driveways, especially located in areas of poor visibility for either pedestrians or drivers.
  • Car parking areas for both visitors or staff park.
  • Work areas such as the service department where vehicles are regularly travelling through the work place.

Each of the above areas or situations can benefit immediately from the installation of Speed Humps and in particular recycled rubber speed humps which are environmentally friendly and also reduce not just the speed on site but also the noise pollution with their sound absorbing properties.

We must all be aware of our responsibilities and obligations when it comes to providing a safe and secure work place and Car Dealerships are not immune from this situation. In fact, due to the high volume of vehicular traffic and large numbers of staff and customers on site at any given time, Car Dealerships are a particularly HIGH RISK environment.

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