
Apps to Stop Your Teenager Texting While Driving

While there are many kinds of helpful apps on the market for iOS and Android, there are some that could save a life. We’re referring to apps that have been developed to inhibit teenagers from texting while driving (something many adults are also guilty of).

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While there are many kinds of helpful apps on the market for iOS and Android, there are some that could save a life. We’re referring to apps that have been developed to inhibit teenagers from texting while driving (something many adults are also guilty of). If you’ve had the ‘don’t text’ talk but are still worried about your teen texting and driving, then it’s a good idea to download one of these apps for their Smartphone to put your mind at ease.

Image sourced from: http://www.fantasticthinking.com/our-work/

1. DriveOFF

UK car insurance company Esure developed the DriveOFF Android app in response to research that showed that a Smartphone in the car is more distracting than a screaming baby. The app kicks in when drivers reach more than 10 mph and shuts off calls and text message alerts, and displays a static screensaver so teens won’t be tempted to remove their attention from the road.

Image sourced from here.

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Image sourced from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/at-t-drivemode/id907208943?mt=8

2. DriveMode

A similar concept is the iOS and Android app DriveMode from US telecommunications company AT&T. DriveMode starts up when the car reaches a speed of 15 mph and silences texts and puts calls straight to voicemail. Callers are given the message that the person they’re trying to reach is driving and will reply to them soon. Upon stopping, text notifications are then received. A handy parental device with this one is that you are notified by text if the teen turns the app off.

Image sourced from here.

Image sourced from: http://blogs.app.com/learning/2012/12/19/textbuster-app-aims-to-stop-texting-and-driving-family-matters/

3. TextBuster

TextBuster app utilises a Bluetooth device installed in the car to temporarily disable texts, emails and internet every time your teen drives the car. The phone, however, will still receive calls, and the GPS system can be used. If you really want to keep tabs on them it will also send you a text message if the car exceeds a certain speed limit or to let you know if they’re out after they’re supposed to be.

Image sourced from here.

drivescribe-app4. DriveScribe

This free app rewards teens for being safe drivers by giving points that can be used to buy gift cards. DriveScribe not only blocks text messages and calls but aims to help improve driving skills. It monitors speed and will tell teens to slow down if going too fast. To start the app simply tap ‘start trip’ and then ‘end trip’ when done. Parents can also download a report to find out if the driver ran a red light or went over the speed limit.

Image sourced from here.

canary-app5. Canary

Your teen won’t be able to get away with any distracting behaviour on their Smartphone with the Canary app. Once the car reaches more than 12 mph parents will be notified if they take a call, type a text or go outside a set geographical boundary. You’ll even be able to know if they’re driving safely in bad weather conditions. And they can’t turn it off either as Canary will notify you if they do. The app is free on Android and iOS devices.

Image sourced from here.


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